Sunday 24 November 2013


ä 5 big potatoes

ä 10 tablespoons of wheat semolina

ä 1 egg
ä 2 teaspoons of salt
ä 2 teaspoons of marjoram
ä 1 teaspoon of dry herbs
ä Oil for baking

Grate the raw potatoes, add egg and all other spices then mix it very well.

Mixture shouldn’t be too liquidy or too thick. If it’s too liquidy then add some more wheat semolina, if it’s too thick add one egg.

Before frying prepare a bowl and lay some paper towels in it, where you’ll be able to put fried potato crunchies. Paper towels will absorb excess oil from it.

Heat the oil in a pan, use tablespoon and make a steak shape from the potato mixture, then fry them on each side until they become golden brown.

You can offer a green salad beside potato crunchies.

This is a very popular children's crunchy lunch.

Try it, you will not regret.