Tuesday, 20 August 2013


For 8 people
Ingredients for the dough:
***240 grams / 2.4 cups of white wheat flour
***20 grams / 1.5 tablespoon of olive oil
***1 teaspoon of salt (leveled)
***100 to 130  milliliters / 0.42 to 0.55 cup of  lukewarm water
***100 grams / 0.43 cup / 6.97 tablespoons of soft butter or margarine to spread
***500 grams / 2.2 cups of mashed curd
***10 grams / 2.5 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
***200 milliliters / 0.84 cup of sour cream
***120 grams / 0.6 cup of sugar

Sift the flour, make a hole in the middle, pour oil and add salt. Pour the lukewarm water to it, mix all together and start to knead it for 15 minutes. After that make a ball from dough, spread oil over and cover it then let it rest for at least half an hour.

Then put the dough ball on a floured, large wooden table or tablecloth and roll it over to get thinner layer of dough and spread oil over it. After that, stretch the pastry with your hands and cut thick edges on the sides of it. Put stretched ball dough on a plate (diameter of 50 centimetres / 19.7 inches) and around it gently cut 6 layers with which you’ll cover the filling (see photos).

Now make filling from curd, sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar, mix those ingredients together. After that you can start to spread the filling over each layer.

Tip: the same pastry you can use for rolls, dumplings, flat cakes, etc., but with different filling.

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